Mike Große has been an attorney-at-law since 1998 and a specialist for building and architect law since 2008. Since the beginning of his career, he has restricted his counseling activities exclusively to these fields of law. He represents institutional customers of construction services as well as entrepreneurs and property developers in all areas of private building law, public procurement law, and architect law.
Before joining LOH Rechtsanwälte, Mike Große worked for many years in a law firm specializing exclusively in building law and has had many years of experience in counseling public clients during major construction projects. In addition to project organization, his expertise includes, in particular, contract, addenda, and claims management.
Mike Große is a member of Deutscher Baugerichtstag e.V., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V., and ARGE Baurecht of the German Bar Association.
Outside of his professional activities, Mike Große commits his energies to McDonald’s Charities and supports the Ronald McDonald House Berlin-Wedding. He is a patron of the C/O Berlin Friends e.V.
Veröffentlichungen Zeitschrift Immobilien- & Baurecht
Veröffentlichungen Wirtschaftsdienst Ingenieure & Architekten
Vorträge im Rahmen der Seminarreihe “Baustelle” an der Humboldt Universität Berlin
Seminare Baukammer Berlin
Seminare Architektenkammer Berlin
Baurechtliche und vergaberechtliche Schulungsveranstaltungen wie Das Neue Bauvertragsrecht, Vergaberecht für Leistungen freiberuflich Tätiger, Die HOAI 2013 – Überblick und Handhabung in der Praxis, Das neue Vergaberecht 2016