Dr. Christine Danziger has been an attorney-at-law since 2008 and a partner in our firm since 2020. She counsels and represents our clients in intellectual property and competition law and specializes in copyright and media law. Her primary areas of practice include a special interest in film law. She works for various companies and associations in the media, IT, and environmental protection sectors and others in matters of competition and trademark law. She also takes care of clients in press law and the free speech law in both the field of corporate communications and on behalf of individuals.
In addition to her work as an attorney, Dr. Danziger is a lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts.
Before joining LOH Rechtsanwälte, Dr. Christine Danziger worked for many years in an IP boutique before founding her own firm for intellectual property and media law in 2017. Christine Danziger studied law and philosophy in Freiburg and Berlin. She completed her legal training in Berlin and gained experience in a law firm specializing in entertainment law in the USA.
August 2018: Urheberrecht für Architekten, Fortbildungsveranstaltung bei der Architektenkammer Berlin
Dezember 2014: Die Rolle der Medien im Strafprozess – Wächter des Rechtsstaats oder moderner Pranger? (Podiumsdiskussion veranstaltet von Brandenburgische Kriminalpolitische Vereinigung e.V.)
Oktober 2013: The legal Protection of Fictional Characters (Pictoplasma Academy/Berlin)
September 2012: Introduction into Patent Law (für eine Gruppe von EU-Wissenschaftlern)
seit 2011: Vorlesung zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen von strategischer Kommunikation an der Universität der Künste Berlin
Die Medialisierung des Strafprozesses. Eine Untersuchung zum Verhältnis von Medien und Strafprozess (Dissertation Berlin 2009), Berlin, 2004 (Diss.)